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Clean Space

Clean Space



Clean space is the mobile application platform where users can post complaints or appreciations of the city/area they live in. It has one module called rankings where users can see the top 10 cities/area calculated based on the complaints and appreciations users have posted. The main motive behind this application is to make the city or area more cleaner, better. In the future, it can be integrated with the government system where staff can see the complaints which users have posted and take action based on that to rank that city or area up. Currently, the application has been targeted for Vadodara (City of Gujarat, India).

Technologies Used


  1. Authentication

    1. Register/Login with username/email and password
    2. Forgot Password
    3. Change Password
  2. Posts

    1. Create complaints or appreciations - Image, location, caption
    2. View Recent Posts
    3. View Posts by location
    4. View Posts of a user
    5. Real-time Posts fetching (Using the firestore db with flutter's streams)
    6. Like other's post
    7. View the users who liked the post
    8. Share post
    9. Update my post
    10. Delete my post
  3. Rank

    1. View TOP 10 cities/areas - calculated based on the complaints or appreciations
    2. View Posts for the listed cities/areas
  4. Profile

    1. Edit Profile
    2. Manage my posts
    3. User can see other's profile


1.1 Authentication

Spalsh Login Register

1.2 Posts

complaints posts create post

1.3 Rank


1.4 Profile

profile settings edit profile

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